Saturday, August 18, 2007
Yesterday, 07S62 celebrated Li Di Shi's birthday!
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Dish-y,
Happy birthday to you!
ok yesterday's celebration was ultra unique. never ever been done before. Here's what happened:
Dish didn't want a birthday cake (by the way, he's a carnivore).
So Dom & Callie went to Cold Storage to get him a whole roasted chicken! & we stuck the birthday candles in it. The chicken looked vicious man. 7 spikes sticking out if it. goodness.

Ok so the celebration was as usual ie. the birthday song, the wishes, the candles, the embarrassment when everyone's staring at you....or the chicken.
Oh yes, i forgot to mention that aside from his chicken, we got him 3 MEAT dishes from Taipan!
So, Dish wasted no time in digging into his birthday chicken. 
Just look at him..he looks SO hungry.

Well we got hungry watching him, so.... (a picture speaks a thousand words).
So we ate, and ate...
And ate...
...and ripped the poor chicken to SHREDS. MUAHAHA. (it's not figurative. We had to do it so that everyone could take a piece, or rather pieces..of chicken).
The End Product
Doesn't Dish look satisfied? 
dance those blues away...
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Today was a fantastic day! It was a good break from the hectic school life in VJ man.
Anyway, today VJ celebrated Singapore's birthday! There were rockclimbers who carried the national & school flag & climbed up the rock wall, and the last part of assembly was the coolest. Assembly was held in the parade square, and after the recollections and letter from some government dude, a topless jeep drove down the aisle! Singapore flags were planted at the front 2 corners. The driver was dressed in the typical army uniform, and in the front passenger seat sat a jovial, plump Indian man. Guess who? "It's S.R. Nathan!" I was thinking..well that's what everyone else thought too. Upon closer inspection, we realised that the man wasn't S.R. Nathan. Instead, he was the security guard! my goodness! He looked SO happy.
Well, events of the day:
There were MANY food stalls, and crafts stalls, but i spent my time at the Bus Bay where performances were going on...
Harmoc was on, and Pearlyn, Liu Ying & Kaiwan did so well! haha they looked so professional man.
Dance was up, and though the music wasn't exactly loud enough, the dancers put on an excellent show! Alot of oomph in their hip hop. Well done girls! and 2 guys....
MCS performed last, and Saf, I think all those malay dance lessons helped man! haha!
here's a photo of saf at the starting of the dance:

Saf is the ultra gorgeous one in orange about to stand up. Doesn't she look so graceful?
To Shane (& Si Min, and all who received tonnes of shit just for national day) :WELL DONE!!! The programme was great!!Well, after national day celebration, I had to stay back to do up the dance notice board...
Ok went to Tampines Mall after that to eat and stuff ourselves at SEOUL GARDEN!! WOOHOO!! To Pearlyn, Liu Ying, Saf & Kaiwan, thanks for being my eating buddies! now, we should go on diet man....goodness.
Well, anyway, here's an account of what went on in Seoul. (garden..)

This photo(which has not been well taken), is to commemorate Saf's VERY FIRST TIME in Seoul Garden. She was SO excited I tell you. SO excited...squirming away in her seat and giggling to herself. goodness.
So we ate, and we ate. and ate, and ate, and ate, and ate, and ate, and ate. You can't imagine how much food 5 hungry girls can wolf down in 1.5 hours man.
The End Result:

Just look at that pile of plates! and of course, Pearlyn's "I'm SO full" face...

Liu Ying still can smile after eating so much! AMAZING.

The Restaurant Manager, Ms Pearlyn Ng, showcases the restaurant's world-famous dish:
flat-looking-white-thing-what-the-heck-is-that dish.
oh right it's lo mai kai.
(or what Pearlyn would like to call it: Fan Choi's best friend)
AAWWWWW such good friends..

Now this cheeky girl wants the imitate Saf's smile! Gu Mei Nu, cannot make it la....

Imitating Saf's smile isn't she wants to copy her pose! goodness me....hahahah!

And since mimicking people is such tiring work, Gu Kai Wan is now ultra hungry and decides to steal Pearlyn's....what on earth is that you're eating, Pearlyn?!
For some strangely odd reason, This bowl of chocolate chip ice cream became Kai Wan's toilet bowl. Don't ask me why..

and so.......
oh hoy...
ok i'll leave this as an inside joke.

This is Pearlyn's ear. 4 ear holes!
Not bad girl!
How bout 5? or 6? hey 7's a nice number...

After Seoul Garden, Saf had to go off for malay dance practice, and Kaiwan had to go to K-box, so Pearlyn, Liu Ying & I hung out together....
The 3 muskeeters lost their minds & went crazy because all the blood was used to digest the ten million tonnes of food in their tummies, hence there was a lack of supply of blood and oxygen to their brains.
The 2 construction workers,

who caught a fish!(a yellow, big-eyed fish)

Well, now there are 2 construction workers and 1 fireman. Job mobility la. Wage differential.

I'm either granting Liu Ying a wish, or turning her into a frog. Choose the situation you fancy.

Columbine High (Singapore) Massacre
The princesses of S62. One models the lovely gown she wears everyday, while the other parades around in her new umbrella...

The Effeminate Elmo

Well TOYS R US you can't sue us for taking photos in your store because you haven't got Intellectual property rights! HA!
Ok anyway, later I'll be going for overnight prayer at church....THEN for a sleepover at Alison's...I'm starting to think if it was a good idea...I'll be sleepless man. hmm...we'll see.
LOL I feel sleepy already and it's only 8:25pm.
dance those blues away...