Friday, February 29, 2008
I just ended lessons.
I've got maths remedial later.
I've got a gigantic mountain of notes waiting for me.
I'm so sick of studying.
On a lighter note, I've got 1 week more before total freedom! Well not exactly total la. Perhaps 3/8 freedom because I'll probably have to catch up on tutorials and read through notes on lectures that I was stoning in. LOL. Oh forgot to add that i've got dance for Barcelona almost/every single day of the March hols so that'll take up 3/7 freedom. What's the net freedom?
1 - (3/8) + (3/7) = 1 - (45/56) = 11/56.
HUH so little? eh...ok maybe I over estimated. or maybe it really does leave me with that little freedom. lol.
Ah whatever..
Oh today's physics lesson was F-U-N! haha. We were supposed to discuss about Gravitational Field tutorial, but ended up digressing alot and the topic of discussion was:
The Solar System and How It WorksMr Lee: Now I'm done with tutorial, I move on the the nonsense ok?
Class: OK!
HAHA. Mr Lee showed us how we see a permanently hot/bright side of the moon, how the moon came about & why it's orbit is so matched to the Earth's, how a lunar eclipse occurs, that Earth has 3 moons (OMG!), how to calculate the dist. between Earth & Sun, how to retrieve/repair a satellite, why it's easier to use robot arms to retrieve than to rocket the satellite back to earth, that one side of the moon is extremely hot and the other is extremely cold...etc. We did ALOT of very fun "nonsense" man! hahah. Oh well I better go read up on intro to macro before my maths remedial starts.
dance those blues away...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I'm blogging today because SOMEBODY asked me haha=)
Nah I'm just doing it because Liu Ying & I went our separate ways for 30 mins to relax before we start studying. life. haiz. what to do..CTs are approaching..
ok now this is why I didn't want to blog in the first place. I've got nothing to write.
Seriously, I'm out of stuff to say. haha. wow.
Ah i shan't waste my brain cells by thinking of what to write. lol. shall wait for the inspiration to come..chey.. hahaha!
All right then.
dance those blues away...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
First of all, happy birthday to my dear uncle dwayne. Enjoy the flooding therapy man. Yesterday's party was real fun haha. Dwayne's 56th birthday celebration=P. AND I'M NOT GONNA PARTICIPATE IN ANY AH MA NA MA GAMES IF IT INVOLVES EUVIN MAKING POPIAH. No fun to lose.
Anyway, last night I had a rather not-so-enjoyable sleep. Once I reached home I collapsed on my bed after setting my alarm to wake me up 5 mins later. Well, you could have guessed, I didn't wake up.. Actually I did, but only at 4am. Went to bathe, then collapsed back into bed. So technically I had a 4 hour nap followed by a 2 hour one. wth.
Well, anyway I just wanna apologise to anyone who I've snapped at or has experienced my irritable and moody moments these 2 days. Especially Pearlyn..sorry gal..don't know why you kena the most haha. And thanks to everyone who's helped / helping me get out of it.
Anyway I'm here typing because Mrs Judah cancelled GP lesson - more the half the class didn't turn up. Think she was rather pissed off, but ah that's not my problem. I'm free to slog over my chem till 2.30pm. Got a talk to attend about Australian universities. oh gonna skip ballet tonight.
aaaah...God, help me..
by the way, it's spelt breakfast, not breadfast =)
dance those blues away...
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Yesterday VJ had the annual Cross Country.
for me, the run was rather disappointing la.
At the start, I couldn't get out of the human "wall" man, and I was stuck there for the longest time I can imagine. I spent most of my effort not running, but weaving in and out of the crowd just so that I could have some decent space to run and "hopefully" make it to top 100. Well, that didn't happen..I got 146th position in the end, out of 800. I know I could have done MUCH MUCH better if I had started well, but what the heck, it's over, so I shan't cry over spilt milk.
Right after prize presentation, I had Zaki's rehearsal for opening item..I got the shock of my life when he taught us the first 8 counts. I expected it to be contemp-based, but NO... it was rather hip-hopish, and OMG I could feel my brains sloshing around my head everytime I had to whack my head(Zaki wanted ALOT of head whacking here and there). That kinda sparked off my marathon of headaches.
Anyway, after 2 hours 15 mins of zaki, we had our own item rehearsals after that. WTH man. I had no time to eat a decent meal. By now, I really felt like dying already - my muscles were so so so tired and starting to stiffen, I was low on glucose, and I was hungry, and I had a TERRIBLE POUNDING headache.
Continued with Laura's emo comtemp dance. She said it'll only last 20 mins or so, but in the end, it went on for 1.5 hours. LOL. Amazing time estimation. goodness.
After EVERYTHING, I had to do afew poses for the Barce dance pullover silhouette..
Then, mummy, kuku & I went for a photo exhibition featuring SDT dancers. The photos took away my headache. HAHA.. It was SO enjoyable man.. Really loved the photos..the lighting was so good, plus the capturing was so's like the photographer captured the shot at the peak of the jump or kick. WOAH.
I wanted to bring one photo back HEHE.
Mum and i met Siva and Julia after that for dinner, and I introduced them to Marina Keppel Bay(where I danced)..We sat there and relaxed, and I nearly fell asleep LOL.
On the way home, I crashed in the car. Was so dead tired that it was like I was unconscious.
Anyway, arrived home and well...something happened la. I shan't elaborate.
Oh well, I'm sitting in front of the com now, with a FULL BODY ACHE. Great.
dance those blues away...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Why do things have to turn out this way?
I just don't understand how things work in this world - the mechanism that drives people do certain things. It just confuses me.
All I pray, is that I survive this whirlwind.
dance those blues away...
Friday, February 08, 2008
It's been an awfully long time since I last felt emo.
Well, I do now.
It's bad, i know. But I just can't seem to get myself out of the sinking sand of shutting myself away from the problems that surround me.
To some extent, it IS quite comfortable here in numbnumbville.
Why do things have to happen this way, anyway? I thought the situation was taking a positive 180 degree turn, but that pseudo attempt was just to mask the imperfections. It's so annoying to know that i'm acquiantances with someone as sly and machiavellian as you.
Now it makes me wonder if people are all like that.
I trusted you, I thought you really decided to change, I felt proud of you for your efforts. Who knew, none of it was ever genuine. I should have known better. After all, a leopard can't change it's spots. Why did I ever expect anything in the first place?
Don't bother trying to cover-up anymore. I can't stand any more of the pretence.
Anyway, don't bother asking me what happened because I won't tell anyone. no offence to anyone, honest. Just don't feel that such things are conversation-material. They just generate more gossip, and I've had enough problems from gossip.
dance those blues away...
Thursday, February 07, 2008
2nd: CNY celebrations in VJ were kinda crappy, especially when the concert part became a walk-about. Wish they had done it traditionally and let the concert be in the hall. At least the energy from the performances wouldn't have dissipated into thin air, and the music would have been contained. But anyway, today's celebration on a whole, was not bad..

Over here, we have wei xuan the lion dancer's butt. hahahah!

Liu Ying Emo-ing...or rather, stoning..

Oh hor...Pearlyn sleeping during celebration! lol. I don't blame her.

The spec-y club
Anyway, Pearlyn, Kai Wan, Liu Ying and I walked about before the concert, and ate fortune cookies, because we wanted the little slips of papers in each cookie HAHA. so deprived eh? I ate 5 cookies! Well here's what my little slips said:
1) No need to worry! You will always have everything that you need.
2) You and your love will be happy in life together.
3) You are one of the people who "go place in life" (wth?!)
4) You have a fine capacity for the enjoyment of life.
5) A hug is a great size fits all.
Started me thinking, people look to so many means of comforting themselves that their future will be bright and stuff, but so many don't realise that God's in control of everything..once you trust him, you don't have to read horoscopes, or fortune cookie papers etc., because they pale in comparison to what God can promise in life, in your future..
Anyway, here are photos from the concert which was held outside the pt.

by the way, photos here are only of Kiang Gei (CO) and Saf (MCS). I didn't take any photos of Dance Ensembles' Yr 1 cny item..hehe. But girls, it was really great! Well done!
Well after school, I headed over to Siglap for reunion lunch, and I really enjoyed myself there la..Especially with Kuku the joker..We all talked about everything under the sun man..from Ah Longs studying Principle of Money-Laundering, and getting a BL (Bachelor in Loansharking), to the 'bin's in names..OMG. SO FUNNY!
Went home, crashed for an hour, then rushed out of the house again for Reunion dinner with daddy's side of the family, at Meritus Mandarin - Pine Court Restaurant. OH YES, I'm so proud of myself for being able to successfully put on mascara and eyeliner in the car=)haha. Well, food was good, company was so-so. Thank God for my siblings.
After dinner, the wong family went to watch "Ah Long Pte Ltd" (a movie!) as a family outing.. It's actually VERY FUNNY. Also the typical jack neo film - satire of the singapore gov. and conformations.
ok I've got nothing else to write already. hehe.
thank you God for always being there for me...
dance those blues away...
Saturday, February 02, 2008
F = (GMm)/(r.r) --- (1)
that's what I saturated my brain with from 2.30 till 4.45pm today.
F = headache --- (2)
equating both equations, (1) = (2)
F = (GMm)/(r.r) = (head)(ache)
OMG. I'm chatting with kaiwan and pearlyn now...KAIWAN IS SOOOOO HILARIOUS! She dug her own grave man..HAHAHAH. You should listen (look ) at her whine away now..hahah.
Anyway,today mummy brought me shopping at toa payoh, and laura tagged along...
We walked around, and I had to try on SO many dresses that I grew so tired of it. lol.
Anyway, after the whole night there, sad to say, I came home with only one bag. And that didn't hold a dress.. I bought shorts instead. LOL. Laura was the one who bought a dress. It's bad to be skinny cos all the dresses looked so baggy on me. argh. darn it.
Ah anyway, I've got to go sleep...mummy's orders. LOL.
dance those blues away...
Friday, February 01, 2008
darn it.
I forgot to bring my purple file to school.
Thak God today's an ultra short lesson day.
The rest of this long day is just made up of back to back remedials and dance..all the way will 7.15pm
I'm too lazy to do Summation and Partial Fractions.
Project Gu: Phase 1
dance those blues away...