Thursday, January 31, 2008
Today was kind of a bad day..
1) I forgot to bring my phone out of the house because I woke up at 7:15am.
2) I was late for school (I reached at 7:55am), and was booked.
3) Because I was rushing, I forgot to pack my bag, so I forgot to bring my Physics TYS, which had ALL my physics homework that I had spent so much time on.
4) I was so tired during maths vectors lecture.
5) I fell on my butt during dance, while doing a left pirouette. Ms Wee laughed at me.
6) Ms Wee said my leg looked very heavy! (I'm going on a diet now!)
7) Ms Wee said my ankle's shaky..
8) I couldn't pirouette from fifth in ballet.
9) I've run out of smses once again.
Ah anyway, i shan't lament over it la. Thanks to friends who actually brighten up such a sucky day like this.. I'm glad I've got people who know how to make me laugh, smile and help me forget about how terrible the day's been. Thanks guys!
Update on Project Gu:
OMG. Miss Gu is seriously crazy...and perverted and..I don't know how to describe her man. She's just so..._____(fill in with appropriate word)! There're afew choices already.. Xiao Bai (lian), and Boss Ilham's classmate. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Anyway, right now I'm having a crazy msn convo with Ajit the oh-so-loyal SC of Temasek Junior College.
ajit says:
u know wat TJ did?
han | nah to kill a mockingbird says:
who's that
ajit says:
we collected newspapers from every )&*%$^% HDB flat around TJ
han | nah to kill a mockingbird says:
han | nah to kill a mockingbird says:
han | nah to kill a mockingbird says:
haah something's wrong with me LOL.
and right now, ajit's ATTEMPTING to fold an origami elephant. I said "attempting"..
Good luck to him, he just made an elephant witha trunk at the backside.
AND this sc guy was interogating me for being late..wth.
Anyway, that's it for today...
I thank God for someone like you to brighten up my gloomy day=)
dance those blues away...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I feel so i'm-not-doing-anything-worthwhile-now.
My school bag's in the car, and mummy has gone somewhere, so i can't do my homework.
Anyway, I've managed to land myself in 2 remedials (and counting...), namely maths and physics.
Oh yea..Saf and I set a new world record yesterday while doing Functions for maths remedial, with Mr Wong. Well, we managed to forget to check the domain for the functions 6 times in 70 minuts. I can't believe Mr Wong actually counted.
Anyway, talking about school, we had basketball for PE, and oh boy...I can't dribble for nuts..
Stupid Mr Goh still made us dribble 2 balls at one time. LOL. GREAT.
Ok barcelona time...Zaki's progessing VERY QUICKLY. He's gonna start blocking on thursday..
omg the music is super duper fast, but I love the choreo..very cool, especially the off-beat part.
aaaah I'm bored.
dance those blues away...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Yesterday had the AG Anniversary Rehearsal in church. I FELT SO WEIRD. argh. Before I forget, many thanks to Andrew for helping with the spin turn and whisk and pose =).
Ok back to the rehearsal, my dance wasn't exactly good la. I just felt plain odd. REALLY. Ah but what the heck...Professionalism, my dear Hannah. Just tahan. AND SMILE.
Anyway, the rest of the items weren't very spetacular least that's what I felt. Para was fantastic though HEHE. MUST BE THE CHOREO LA. HAHA.
The "hip hop" do you say....non-hiphopish. just arm actions la, but I'm in no place to comment anyway.
BUT I'M SO SO SO SO SO HAPPY THAT WE'RE GONNA DO Soldiers FOR THE DINNER! YAY! I love that dance man...Love the choreography, the music, but most of all, i simply love the energy everyone puts into the dance...really hypes up the atmosphere.
Well, i've got to lead dance conditioning later, then leave early for Marina Keppel Bay Launch rehearsal. YAY. hahah. OH SHUCKS. I've got to do GP homework. ARGH.
dance those blues away...
Friday, January 11, 2008
Today was a rather good day. considering that I was blessed and protected by Daddt God from any humliation whatsoever 3 times in a row! ok here's the breakdown..
MIRACLE NO. 1) Laura and I both were late for school - where on earth was mummy driving to man...she drove to tampines north for goodness sake. So, just as I jumped out of the car, and dashed for the main gate, the national anthem started, so the security guard asked me to stand still first. I WAS 3 STEPS AWAY FROM THE GATE - I was outside the school. Technically, that would categorise me as a "latecomer" right? Well, after the anthem, they let me pass, and I had to sprint like MAD all the way to the hall. On the way, I was free from interogation from any PE teacher..HALLELUJAH!MIRACLE NO. 2) Once I reached the hall, I HAD NO TIE. TODAY WAS TIE DAY. Before that in the car, I called Zhi Yang to ask him to bring his VS tie for me.. but he msged back and said that he an't find his tie, but he'll go to school and ask the vs boys. Was thinking to myelf: "What's the worse thing that can happen? they won't ask me to stand up or anything what.." But anyway, PRAISE THE LORD, he found one for me! HAHA! Once I plonked myself down right in front of my class, the tie was passed down to me.. so while panting madly, I put on the tie. After assembly, Mr Seet went up and talked about the tie issue, where some people still forgot to bring their ties despite being in VJ for 1 year already (HEHE!), and asked those who weren't wearing ties to see him at the side of the hall. OMG at that moment, i felt SO RELIEVED! THANK GOD FOR THE TIE.MIRACLE NO. 3) Saf and I had no chem prac for the first 2 periods, so we had civics session with Mr Lee the Dumbo ears...HEEH. We talked to him about what we want to be when we grow up, and he told us how to go about it, like doing research, looking for holiday jobs etc. After the whole thing, Saf and I were just chit chatting. Suddenly she said:" aiyah I'm so lazy la..I dun wanna go for PE." Hannah:"PE?! OMG WE HAVE PE?! SHIIIIIIIIIIIITTT..."I totally forgot I had PE today! Actually I didn't even look at my timetable because I fell asleep super early. When a student, the worse thing to forgot is that you have PE that day, because firstly, you won't have your PE attire with you. Secondly, PE teachers are the worse people to mess with, and they can humiliate you tremendously if they find something wrong with you (like not having your PE attire).But once again, I've to thank my Big Daddy for watching over me, and keeping me from all harm (from the PE teachers, more likely)..I have dance later, so I brought my PE t shirt and shorts. OH MY GOSH right? HOW COOL IS THAT. HAHAH.These 3 miracles have made my day so wonderful, despite the fact that we had to run 3.4km for PE, and I banged my ankle against the wooden stool during physics prac, and I've got Zaki Barcelona practice later, and that extreme graphs for physics pracs are just plain stupid..
I love my daddy God man....omg he rocks.
dance those blues away...
Monday, January 07, 2008
Today's a
All my lessons have been cancelled! yes, and I mean
But the dumb thing is that there's dance auditions which I unofficially MUST attend, by virtue of me being on the exco. But anyway, I've got to kill time till 4pm! omg. CMI.
So saf, callie and I went to eat breakfast just now (what else could we do man..), and started photos in the canteen..hehe. omg.
But now, here we are in the library...see? so guai right. We're planning to spend our entire school day cooped up in the library.... using the computer. HEHE. chey.
aiyah i'm also going to do my 12.1 and 12.2 tutorials for tomorrow when lessons all resume...haiz.
Actually, come to think of it, today's quite a huge blessing - there are absolutely no lessons, so it leaves me to do whatever I want, even giving me time to go over to siglap to catch a quick nap before dance. Not bad eh? Ok I shall cease all complaints. =)
SO...Marina Keppel Bay Launch!
Jeanette said that 12 were chosen, 2 dunno and 2 out. omg I hope jea and I are both in! It's rather interesting actually because we're supposed to dance on a bridge (I have no idea which one), and there'll be cables attached to us to that we don't plunge to our deaths in the event that we fall off the bridge.
but jea, I still don't see the point of making us to chaine-s (
pronounced sha-nay-s).
Anyway, yesterday's speaker, Rev Jameson Yeo, is quite a good speaker. I mean..he's got SO MANY sound effects. hahaha. And his story about Africa was rather fascinating actually.
My butt's aching from a penche. omg. CMI.
TO ALL LOPEZ PEOPLE: Swensens lunch outing on 13 Jan 2007 (Sunday). Drop me a message to say that you're coming k? thanks... oh yes. Bring 10 bucks extra in case...
dance those blues away...
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Alas! My R papers end today! What freedom man...
Anyway, today's timetable was so wonky. All my lessons were cancelled...WTH.
and my econs R paper was from 2 to 4.45pm. Anyway, today pearlyn and I were so bored and tired from studying econs that we started taking stupid photos in the library.
Here's a peek...

so rubbish right...hahhaha. Oh well....this is the result of Econs overdose...
Anyway, I have a gruesome story to tell. Can't remember which day, I woke up and found ants all over my bedroom floor. They were weaving in and out, between my bags! Anyway, I picked up my stuff one by one to see what they were after.. Well apparently none of my stuff...PHEW. LAURA'S BARANG. Well, they had gathered in a pool below laura's bed. EW.
SO..I attempted to kill them.
Took a tissue, wet it and wiped the ants up. BUT, they started crawling all over my hand instead. Well I found a ruler on the floor, and THAT, became my weapon of destruction. MUAHAHA.

Well I can proudly say that the ruler is mighter than the pen, which in turn is mightier than the sword.

Ant splats: (bet you can probably guess what I did to the ants)

dance those blues away...